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Operating systems: a rising market dominated by Microsoft

June 25, 2011

The Institute analysis Gartner delivers its figures on operating systems, a market that is doing well. If Microsoft still dominates much, Linux and Mac OS X progress.


Sales of operating systems (OS) have generated a total turnover of 30.4 billion dollars in 2010, up 7.8% compared to 2009.

More generally, the client area which is strongest growth (+9.3%) compared to the server whose area the increase was lower (+5.7%).

Not surprisingly Microsoft continues to prevail in this market and is paid for the luxury to grow by 8.8% over one year with a market share of 78.6% in 2010 against 77.9% in 2009 to revenues of 23.848 billion dollars. The launch of Windows 7 in late 2009 and renewal of fleets of PCs, which had been delayed for some because of the crisis, there are probably a lot. Besides the sales of client OS recorded an increase of 9.2% against +7.5% for the server OS the Redmond company.

Gartner OS 2010

Mac OS X client side is progressing well, with growth of 15.8% over one year for a market share rose 0.1% to 1.7% and $ 520 million in revenue. The firm enjoys the apple is the good performance of its sales in MacBook and iMac.

On the server side, Linux is that stands with 18% for Red Hat (at $ 610 million), which alone accounts for 58.2% of the market for Linux servers.

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